God created it to show his standard of living; Jesus did it when talking to people, even the apostle Paul preached it. In fact, it is what the book of Romans, is all about. The law! The Ten Commandments, in which God made it very clear how everybody should live their lives, both Jews and gentiles.
Now, here is a short history lesson, most likely one, which you will not receive at church. Up until the 20th century preachers and evangelists alike, had all used the Ten Commandments when reaching out to sinners. And even the bible tells us the purpose of using the law, as in Psalms 19:7 “The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul.”
[NIV: New international version Bible] (Bold, added for emphasis.)
It is true that this has to some extent become known as “fire and brimstone” preaching, but in actuality it is the most sound biblical way of doctrine. The late Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892) said this about the law; “our ablest auxiliary,” meaning our greats weapon, for its purpose is the bring conviction the heart of the sinner. Leaving him wanting and in desperate need of the Saviour. Making Jesus that more glorious and grace so much more amazing.
But in the last 50 or so years, the church has turned the gospel from its original path, unto a road of preaching only that Jesus died for everyone’s sins, but omitting repentance, telling people that if they receive Christ, their lives will become better. This makes Jesus a life improvement, when in actuality He is a life necessity, and herein leis the danger for preaching such a fallible message of salvation, it produces false conversions in our churches. And makes the gospel man centred, instead of God centred.
The gospel is truly made into “the good news,” when it is put in contrast with the holy law of God. For it in turn shows us that, no man is good, but God alone is good. Scripture says; “The only “goodness,” or righteousness, that the believer has comes from Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:21; Philippians 3:9). And the bible goes on to say that; without Christ, man is corrupt and filthy; “there is none that does good, no, not one” (Psalm 14:3). Now in light of this, lets take another look at the law, for the Apostle Paul said this about the nature of the law in Romans 7:7 “What shall we say, then? Is the law sin? Certainly not! Indeed I would not have known what sin was except through the law. For I would not have known what coveting really was if the law had not said, "Do not covet." Paul clearly explains here how he had not known what sin was, until the law of God, was put in front of him.
But let’s once again return to the modern version of the “gospel,” which promises the sinner, hope, love joy, and happiness, in turn for salvation. This is a false statement, for though these are legitimate fruit of salvation, they are not legitimate tools for salvation. The only way to be saved is through repentance and turning to Jesus Christ. But the problem with modern church is that they use the fruits of salvation to lure in people, without disclosing what sin is, or the need for repentance. And then when the hardships and tribulations come, instead of clinging to Jesus, the false convert drifts away from God, and back into the world. For the promise that had been given, wasn’t true, and things didn’t get better, only worse. And the difference between the world and Christianity become similarities.
But when using the righteous law of God as a mirror to reflect the sinful nature of men, and true wickedness is revealed, therein will repentance spring forth.
The modern church offers heaven as an escape, but rarely if ever, talks about the realities of hell. In fact, Jesus spoke more about hell then he did about heaven. In Matthew alone there are seven references to hell, in Mark three times, Luke two, James once, and in 2 Peter once. And these are just to mention a few instances. And sadly its where many will end up, because of the lack of repentance. “But God is love, he’ll never send me there, I’ve done so much good!” A more false statement has never been claimed. Because overall, God is righteous and just, and He despises sin. The bible tells us that He is a God of wrath and you will have your day in court, on the day of judgement where all your sins will be bared. Let’s just look at this from a civil law, point of view. A murderer is set before a judge, awaiting his sentence, and in his closing statement the murder pleads with the judge; “I’m sorry your honour, I promise I’ll never do it again!” Is the judge then to say “Ok, you’re free to go.”? No! For then he is a corrupt judge, but he is bound by law to strike down with the full conviction of the law, to sentence the murderer.
The same goes for us sinner and God, for we have broken God’s holy law, and made enemies with him. The bible explains that when we are sinners, we’re in war with God, and the only way to make peace with God, is to repent, receive atonement through the blood of Jesus Christ, and seek God. (John 3:16-18)
The father of reformation, Martin Luther, said the about the law;
But redemption is only found in He who didn’t know sin, whom became sin on the cross of Calvary, through the love of the Father. Jesus Christ! In order that the dying and hell bound would see the glory of the Creator. For it is not His will to let any one to be eternally damned to hell. He wants you soundly saved that was the act of love shown on the terrible, yet, wonderful cross.
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