Friday, April 4, 2008

Will never grow tired of hearing it!

The reason for the title, is somewhat self explanatory, and yet some "professing" christians say this about the Gospel; "Well, we've heard it all before, we already know this!"

If this was true then their hearts and souls, would rejoice with the heavens every single time, that the glorious Gospel is proclaimed. But yet, there those that lack true conviction of its glorious meaning.

That while we were still sinners, God almighty, become a man, and nailed Himself to the cross, for our atonement. So that we when repenting and putting our full trust in Jesus Christ, undeservingly, our sins are forgiven and God's wrath, that lingers over us, and our deserved place in hell, is relinquish by the priceless blood of the slain lamb. That we now, by grace through faith alone, stand blameless before God.

Now that's the glorious Gospel, that i will never grow tired of hearing or preaching.

May you be tired and your feet held to the fire of holiness.

God bless!

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